Food depictions in contemporary manuscripts =========================================== Cantigas de Santa Maria codice rico ----------------------------------- Cantiga 57 shows chickel morsel in mouth and basket :numref:`fig1.1`. Cantiga 67-6 shows meat in bowl, bread and breadsticks :numref:`fig1.2`. Cantiga 88-2 displays chicken in a bowl with bread and breadsticks :numref:`fig1.3`. Cantiga 88-4 has bread and legumen in a bowl :numref:`fig1.4`. Cantiga 95a shows fish, bread and breadsticks :numref:`fig1.5`. Cantiga 132 shows chicken, bread and breadsticks :numref:`fig1.6`. Cantiga 145 shows alms bread given from basket :numref:`fig1.7`. Cantiga 147 shows woman giving bread to shepherd as payment to care for her sheep :numref:`fig1.8`. Cantigas de Santa Maria codice Florence --------------------------------------- **to index and add** Libro de acedrex, dados e tablas -------------------------------- [LADT]_ contains depictions of bowl with eggs :numref:`fig1.9`, pears :numref:`fig1.10` and apples :numref:`fig1.11`. **to add: Wine** Libro de astromagia ------------------- [LAMG]_ contains depictions of radish :numref:`fig1.12`, wheat :numref:`fig1.13`, wheat field :numref:`fig1.15`, bread and breadsticks :numref:`fig1.14`. Golden Hagaddah --------------- Lamb or hare in bowl, eggs in bowl, hunter with hare are depicted in [GLHG]_, folio 4v (:numref:`fig1.16`). Rylands Haggadah ---------------- Bread, breadksticks and wine are depicted in [RLHG]_, folio 19b (:numref:`fig1.17`). Maqqamat al Hariri ------------------ [MQAH]_ contains depictions of feasts and food, for example wine, meal (rice?) balls :numref:`fig1.18`, plate and bowl with food :numref:`fig1.19`, meat, lamb? :numref:`fig1.20`, bread, meat, lamb at :numref:`fig1.21`, wine and rice balls at :numref:`fig1.22` and meat and other food at :numref:`fig1.23`. Other Syrian, Iranian, Egyptian, Morroccan sources -------------------------------------------------- **TODO**