Cooking ======= Brazier ------- Braziers were made since antiquity using ceramics or metals - bronze, iron, brass, silver. Al-Andalus muslim civilization used braziers made of limestone and other noble stones [CDAH]_. Braziers were used for home heating, crafting wax figurine in [CSMT]_ cantiga 118-2 :numref:`fig3.15`, candles in [CSMF]_ cantiga [CITATION_NEEDED]_. According to [CITATION_NEEDED]_ wikipedia, charcoal pieces were put inside a brazier, which was then covered by a piece of cloth. The brazier was then put under table to heat dining people from below. Braziers are depicted 15 times in [LAMG]_ (:numref:`fig3.1`, :numref:`fig3.2`). 14th century Catalan iron brazier :numref:`fig3.14` can be seen in Museu Episcopal de Vic, Barcelona. Extant silver-inlaid brass brazier of Egyptian sultan al-Malik al-Muzaffar Shams al-Din Yusuf ibn ‘Umar, 1250-1290 with dimensions 35x39x42cm can be seen at :numref:`fig3.3`. Grate ----- **TODO** Spit-roast ---------- Spit roast is depicted in [RLHG]_, folio 19b (:numref:`fig3.4`). Pan --- [CSMT]_ 157-2 displays frying doughnuts on pan with large handle, tripod, knife, cauldron, handle, suspension chain, hook, travelling water/wine skins (:numref:`fig3.5`). Pan was sculpted between 1160-1180AD at Iglesia de Santiago, Carrión de los Condes :numref:`fig3.25`. Cauldron -------- Cauldrons were made from cast bronze, brass or iron. Riveted cauldron can be seen in [CSMT]_ 56 (:numref:`fig3.6`). Cauldron with handle is in [CSMT]_ 68 (:numref:`fig3.7`). Multiple cauldrons are depicted in [CSMT]_ 159-3 (:numref:`fig3.8`). [GLHG]_ shows cauldron in the kitchen (:numref:`fig3.9`). Bodleian bowl, held in Ashmolean Museum, is a sample of cauldron of jewish origin from 1257, Paris, France :numref:`fig3.16`. Another cauldron of southern France or Netherlands origins is held at Metropolitan Museum of Arts :numref:`fig3.17`. Andalusian brass bucket from Granada, Alhambra, dates to 14th century :numref:`fig3.18`. .. buckets and cauldrons bronze egypt 13/14th century dictionary entries: bucket, kettle, cauldron, caldero, metal pot Tripod ------ Cooking on cauldron hanging on chain from tripod can be seen in CSMT 95a (:numref:`fig3.10`). Another depiction is in CSMT 111 (:numref:`fig3.11`). Pottery - Tagine ---------------- Pottery - Other pots -------------------- Whetstone --------- Whetstone usage is shown at [LAMG]_ folio 4v (:numref:`fig3.12`). Cooking Knife ------------- Cooking knives are depicted in [CSMT]_ cantigas 157-2 :numref:`fig3.5`, 157-5 :numref:`fig4.16`, 159-1 :numref:`fig4.17`. Cooking Fork ------------ * * Stylus-like fork is depicted in Cantiga 157-1 (:numref:`fig3.13`) Hook ---- Cooking or butcher hooks are depicted in [CSMT]_ cantiga 95a-3 :numref:`fig3.10`, 111-3 :numref:`fig3.11`, 157-1 :numref:`fig3.13`, 157-2 :numref:`fig3.5`, 159-6 :numref:`fig3.23`. Mortar ------ Wooden, stone, ceramic and bronze mortars were in use. [LADT]_ folio 31r provides insight into apothecary with mortar and pestle :numref:`fig3.19`. Andalusian bronze mortar from Monzón de Campos, Palencia, is dated to 12th century :numref:`fig3.20`, :numref:`fig3.21`. [ORTEGA]_ lists ceramic decorated mortars in 14th century findings from Teruel :numref:`fig3.22`. Ceramic mortar from 11-15th century was found during excavations in Málaga :numref:`fig3.24`. Skewer ------ Scoop ----- Apron ----- [GLHG]_ shows apron used in the kitchen (:numref:`fig3.9`).