Figures ======= Index of sources and literature =============================== .. _fig1.1: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-057-chicken-morsel.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 57, chickel morsel in mouth and basket .. _fig1.2: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-067-6-meat-bread-sticks-tablecloth.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 67-6, meat in bowl, bread, breadsticks .. _fig1.3: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-088-2-chicken-bread-sticks-tablecloth.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 88-2, chicken in a bowl, bread, breadsticks .. _fig1.4: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-088-4-bread-legumen-tablecloth.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 88-4, bread, legumen in a bowl .. _fig1.5: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-095a-fish-bread-sticks-decorated-tablecloth.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 95a, fish, bread, breadsticks .. _fig1.6: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-132-chicken-bread-sticks-decorated-tablecloth.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 132, chicken, bread, breadsticks .. _fig1.7: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-145-alms-bread.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 145, alms bread given from basket .. _fig1.8: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/csmt/csm-147-bread.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 147, woman giving bread to shepherd .. _fig1.9: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/ladt/ladt-f08r-hires-bandana.jpg :align: center :scale: 200% [LADT]_ folio 8r, bowl with eggs .. _fig1.10: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/ladt/ladt-f12v-hires.jpg :align: center :scale: 200% [LADT]_ folio 12v, bowl with pears .. _fig1.11: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/ladt/ladt-f22r-hires.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LADT]_ folio 22r, bowl with apples .. _fig1.12: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/lamg/lamg-0001v-027-radish.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 1v, radish .. _fig1.13: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/lamg/lamg-0005v-016-wheat.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 5v, wheat .. _fig1.14: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/lamg/lamg-0007v-007-bread-breadsticks.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 7v, bread and breadsticks .. _fig1.15: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/lamg/lamg-0012r-001-wheat.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [LAMG]_ 12r, wheat field .. _fig1.16: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/glhg/glhg-f004v-hare-eggs-hare.png :align: center :scale: 200% [GLHG]_ f4v, lamb or hare in bowl, eggs in bowl, hunter with hare .. _fig1.17: .. figure:: prilohy/01-food/rlhg/rlhg-f19b-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [RLHG]_ f19b, bread, breadsticks. .. _fig1.18: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg082.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 082 wine, rice balls, flasks, glasses, bowls, footed trays, 2 amphoras, 2 tazza mugs, oud, darbouka, albogon .. _fig1.19: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg180.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 180 plate and bowl with food .. _fig1.20: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg253.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 253 meat, lamb?, flabellum rectangular, footed tray, 3 goblets .. _fig1.21: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg311.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 311 bread, meat, lamb, feast, table on foot, knife, goblets, tablecloth or towel .. _fig1.22: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg344.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 344 wine, rice balls, feast, plates, vase, meal, glasses, flask, towel, oud, albogon .. _fig1.23: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg371.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [MQAH]_ page 371 feast, meat, food, candlestick, footed plate, flabellum rectangular, small plate, jug .. _fig2.1: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-186-187KH-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 186, granary .. _fig2.2: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-038-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 38-1, large wineskin .. _fig2.3: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-038-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 38-2, large wineskin .. _fig2.4: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-072-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 72-1, large wineskin .. _fig2.5: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-072-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 72-2, large wineskin .. _fig2.6: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-072-4.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 72-3, large wineskin .. _fig2.7: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-093-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 93-1, large wineskin .. _fig2.8: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-140-6.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 140-6, large wineskin .. _fig2.9: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/lamg/lamg-0002v-003.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 2v-3, wineskin .. _fig2.10: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/lamg/lamg-0010v-004.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [LAMG]_ folio 10v-4, wineskin .. _fig2.11: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-006-4.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 6-4, large wine cask .. _fig2.12: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-006-5.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 6-5, large wine cask .. _fig2.13: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-023-4.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 23-4, large wine cask .. _fig2.14: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-023-6.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ 23-6, large wine cask .. _fig2.15: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/csmt/csm-047-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ 47-1, large wine cask .. _fig2.16: .. figure:: prilohy/01.5-storage/archeo/ortega-293-aceitera-teruel.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [ORTEGA]_ page 293, presumed winegar vessel found in Teruel ceramic workshop .. prilohy/03-serving/maqqamat-al-hariri/pg182.jpg p 182 jug with ear and spout :numref:`fig1.20` .. _fig3.1: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/lamg-0031r-001-brazier.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 31r, brazier .. _fig3.2: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/lamg-0031r-002-brazier.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [LAMG]_ folio 31r, brazier .. _fig3.3: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/Brazier-of-Sultan-al-Malik-al-Muzaffar-Shams-al-Din-Yusuf-ibn-Umar-1250-90-Egypt.jpg :align: center :scale: 80% Brazier of Sultan al-Malik al-Muzaffar Shams al-Din Yusuf ibn ‘Umar, 1250-1290, Egypt. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, inventory number 91.1.540. Dimensions: H: 35.2cm, W: 39.4cm; Max. D: 41.6cm .. _fig3.4: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/rlhg-f19b-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [RLHG]_ folio 19b, spit roast, fireplace, roasting lamb with herbs .. _fig3.5: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-157-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ Cantiga 157-2, frying doughnuts on pan with large handle, tripod, knife, cauldron , handle, suspension chain, hook, travelling water/wine skins .. _fig3.6: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-058.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 58, riveted cauldron, bellows. .. _fig3.7: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-068.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 68, cauldron with handle, suspension chain, hook .. _fig3.8: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-159-3.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 159-3, cauldrons, cooking portions from beef ribs .. _fig3.9: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/glhg-f015r-2.png :align: center :scale: 150% [GLHG]_ folio 15r, cauldron, apron, butcher hook, knife, cooking lamb for Passover table .. _fig3.10: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-095a.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 95a, cauldron with handle, suspension chain, tripod .. _fig3.11: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-111.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 111, riveted cauldron with handles, suspension chain, tripod, bellows .. _fig3.12: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/lamg-0004v-002-whetstone-knife.jpg :align: center :scale: 200% [LAMG]_ Libro de astromagia, folio 4v, whetstone and knife .. _fig3.13: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-157-1.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ Cantiga 157-1, pilgrims' wineskins, frying doughnuts on pan with large handle, tripod, "trinchante" trinchador fork, knife, cauldron, handle, suspension chain, hook .. _fig3.14: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/forja-braser-MEV4465-26x61x46,5cm-catalan-14thc.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% Brazier, Catalan, 14th century, Museu Episcopal de Vic, Barcelona, .. _fig3.15: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-118-2.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ Cantiga 118-2, brazier used to heat wax for creating wax figurine .. _fig3.16: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/bodleian-bowl-france-paris-1257.jpg :align: center Bodleian bowl of copper alloy, held in Ashmolean Museum, is a sample of cauldron of jewish origin from 1257, Paris, France, Accession Number: AN2009.10 .. _fig3.17: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/cauldron-french-southern-nederlands-13-or14thc.jpg :align: center Bronze cauldron of southern France or Netherlands origins is held at Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Accession Number: 49.69.6 .. _fig3.18: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/bucket-brass-granada-alhambra-siglo-xiv.jpg :align: center Brass bucket from Granada, Alhambra, dates to 14th century. .. _fig3.19: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/ladt-f31r-apothecary.jpg :align: center [LADT]_ folio 31r, apothecary, mortar and pestle .. _fig3.20: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/mortar-palencia-13thc-01.jpg :align: center Andalusian bronze mortar from Monzón de Campos, Palencia, is dated to 12th century. Museo Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú. .. _fig3.21: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/mortar-palencia-13thc-03.jpg :align: center Andalusian bronze mortar from Monzón de Campos, Palencia, is dated to 12th century. Museo Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú. .. _fig3.22: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/mortar-ortega-261-smxiv-crop.jpg :align: center [ORTEGA]_ page 261, ceramic mortar from the second quarter of 14th century findings from Teruel. 16cm diameter, 12.5cm height. .. _fig3.23: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/csm-159-6.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 159-6, meat hook .. _fig3.24: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/mortero-s.xi-xv-excavaciones-ubanas-deposito-municipal-Malaga.jpg :align: center Ceramic mortar from 11-15th century found during excavations in Málaga, source: .. _fig3.25: .. figure:: prilohy/02-cooking/archeo/1180-Carrion-de-los-Codes-Iglesia-de-Santiago-G18h-pan.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% Pan sculpted at Iglesia de Santiago, Carrión de los Condes, 1160-1180 AD. .. _fig4.1: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/Forks_Susa_Louvre_MAO421-422-431.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% Forks, 8th–9th centuries. Molded bronze with stamped decoration. Found in Susa (now in Iran). Musée du Louvre, Department of Islamic Art (MAO 421, MAO 422, MAO 431) .. _fig4.2: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/1952.7_o2-02.jpg :align: center Silver fork with Animal Hoof Finial (Ornament), Byzantium, Syria?, early Byzantine period, 4th century, Silver, Overall: 14.5 cm, Weight: 22.5g .. _fig4.3: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-067-1.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 67-1, spoon .. _fig4.4: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-081-6.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 81-6, spoon .. _fig4.5: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-166-1.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 166-1, spoon .. _fig4.6: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-188-2.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 188-2, spoon .. _fig4.7: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/spoon-1350-france-davidmus-rouen-treasure.jpg :align: center Silver spoon, France, Rouen, 1350. V&A Museum Accession Number 110-1865 .. _fig4.8: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-004-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ cantiga 4-3 .. _fig4.9: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-023-3-4.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 23-3-4 .. _fig4.10: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-042-4.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 42-4 .. _fig4.11: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-045a-4.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 45a-4 .. _fig4.12: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-052-3.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 52-3 .. _fig4.13: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-067-5-6.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 67-5-6 .. _fig4.14: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-085b-2.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 85b-2 .. _fig4.15: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-132-5.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 132-5 .. _fig4.16: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-157-5.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 157-5 .. _fig4.17: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-159-1.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 159-1 .. _fig4.18: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/csm-161-3.jpg :align: center [CSMT]_ cantiga 161-3 .. _fig4.19: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/Il-pasto-miniatura-dal-De-Universo-di-Rabano-Mauro-Montecassino-X-XI-sec.1-1024x794-570x285.jpg :align: center [LDFF]_ Rabanus Maurus "De Universo", Biblioteca dell'Abbazia, Montecassino .. _fig4.20: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/10-knife/knife-handle-cordoba-10thc-1.jpg :align: center Knife handle, cast and engraved bronze, Spain, Cordoba; 10th century, H:1.7; B: 1; L: 9.3 cm, David Museum Inv. no. 11/2001, .. _fig4.21: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/10-knife/knife-handle-cordoba-10thc-3.jpg :align: center Knife handle, cast and engraved bronze, Spain, Cordoba; 10th century, H:1.7; B: 1; L: 9.3 cm, David Museum Inv. no. 11/2001, .. _fig4.22: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/10-knife/sf17-190-343s1a.jpg :align: center Knife, French or Spanish, ca. 1300–1350, Steel blade, crystal handle, copper-gilt mountings 26 x 4.4 x 2.5 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Arts Accession Number: 17.190.343, .. _fig4.23: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/10-knife/sf17-190-343s2.jpg :align: center Knife, French or Spanish, ca. 1300–1350, Steel blade, crystal handle, copper-gilt mountings 26 x 4.4 x 2.5 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Arts Accession Number: 17.190.343, .. _fig4.24: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/elum-dining-utentils-materials.png :align: center Statistics of materials for dining utensils according to [ELUM]_ . .. _fig4.25: .. figure:: prilohy/classificacion-tipologica-de-la-ceramica-medieval-segun-guillermo-roselo-hires.jpg :align: center Typological classification of Spanish medieval pottery according to Guillermo Roselló Ramonell, Exposición de Alfarería en la Alcazaba de Málaga. - Cerámica San Telmo. .. _fig4.26: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/terl/terl-tabicas-03-305tc0305.jpg :align: center Ceiling of Teruel cathedral, 1275-1300, tabicas 0305, towel and perfume bottle. .. _fig4.27: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmf/tablecloth/csmf-312-5-pg119.jpg :align: center [CSMF]_, page 119, cantiga 312, patterned towel worn around servants' neck. .. _fig4.28: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/1220-1230-France-ÖNB-Han.Cod.2554-Bible-Moralisee-towel.jpg :align: center Towel depicted in 1220-1230, France, ÖNB Han.Cod.2554 Bible Moralisée, .. _fig4.29: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/1355-florence-bncf-banco-rari-45_0076-towels-knife-table-tablecloth-glass-plates-buns.jpg :align: center 1355 Florence, BNCF Banco rari 45, fol.76, towel around neck. .. _fig4.30: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmf/tablecloth/csmf-245-1-pg140.jpg :align: center [CSMF]_, page 140, cantiga 245-1, checked pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.31: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmf/tablecloth/csmf-318-6-pg130.jpg :align: center [CSMF]_, page 130, cantiga 318-6, checked pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.32: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmf/tablecloth/csmf-269-5-pg250.jpg :align: center [CSMF]_, page 250, cantiga 269-5, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.33: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-004-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 004-3, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.34: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-023-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 23-3, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.35: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-045a-4.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 45a-4, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.36: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-052-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 52-3, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.37: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-067-5-6.jpg :align: center :scale: 30% [CSMT]_ cantiga 67-5-6, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.38: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-084-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 84-3, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.39: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-085b-2.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 85b-2, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.40: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-088-1-3.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 88-1-3, plain table cloth. .. _fig4.41: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-042-4-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% [CSMT]_ cantiga 42-4, dotted pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.42: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-095a-4-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 95a-4, checked pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.43: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-132-5-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 132-5, checked pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.44: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-175a-1-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 175a-1, checked pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.45: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-119-1-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 119-1, diamond pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.46: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-159-3-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 159-3, diamond pattern table cloth. .. _fig4.47: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/csmt/tablecloth/csmt-108-1-p.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [CSMT]_ cantiga 180-1, apothecary serving desk cover. .. _fig4.48: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/06-table/14c-egypt-tray-stand-brass.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% Brass tray stand, engraved and inlaid with silver. Egypt or Syria; 1st half of 14th century. H: 24.4cm; Diam: 23.2 cm. Metropolitan Museum of art. Accession Number: 91.1.601 .. _fig4.49: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/06-table/13-14c-egypt-tray-brass-inlaid-with-silver-3.8cmx76.8cm-metmuseum-01.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% Late 13th–early 14th century brass tray, Egypt; engraved and inlaid with silver and black compound. H:3.8 cm; Diam 76.8 cm. Metropolitan Museum of art. Accession Number: 91.1.604 .. _fig4.50: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/forchette-in-bronzo-Museo_provinciale_di_Torcello-Roman-era-bronze.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% xx .. _fig4.51: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/Tenedor-1-3rd-c-roman-multi-purpose-knife-spoon-fork.webp :align: center :scale: 20% xx .. _fig4.52: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/fork-Dark-Church-Karanlik-Kilise-in-Göreme-again-Cappadocia-present-day-Turkey-11thc.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% xx .. _fig4.53: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/fork-Sandal-Church-Çarıklı-Kilise-in-Cappadocia-present-day-Turkey-11th-century.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% xx .. _fig4.54: .. figure:: prilohy/03-serving/archeo/11-dining_fork/knife-fork-maiolica-plate-serbia-ras-fortress-novi-pazar-13th-century.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% xx .. _fig5.1: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/1295-syria-glass_sprinkler.jpg :align: center :scale: 70% Gilded and enamelled glass perfume sprinkler, 1295–6, probably Syria. Museum no. C.153-1936, Victoria & Albert Museum .. _fig5.2: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/ladt/015r.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [LADT]_ folio 15r, flabellum .. _fig5.3: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/ladt/096v.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% [LADT]_ folio 96v, flabellum .. _fig5.4: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/14c-spain-teruel-aguamanil-ortega-pg-249.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% 1325-1350, Spain, Teruel, aquamanile 20x18x13cm, Museo Provincial de Teruel No. inv 8365. Published in Ortega Ortega: Opera terre Turroli .. _fig5.5: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/12-13c-spain-lion-bronze-musee-du-louvre.jpg :align: center :scale: 50% 12-13th century AD, Spain, bronze aquamanile, Musée de Louvre .. _fig5.6: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/14c-iran-brass-basin-side.jpg :align: center :scale: 30% 14c Iran, brass basin, Metropolitan Museum .. _fig5.7: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/14c-iran-brass-basin-top.jpg :align: center :scale: 40% 14c Iran, brass basin, Metropolitan Museum .. _fig5.8: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/aleppo-bar-soap.jpg :align: center :scale: 100% Aleppo bar soap .. _fig5.9: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/004575-000-basin-with-horeseman-copper-champleve-enamel-3.8x22.3cm-end-13.c.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% End of 13th century, unknown provence, Basin with horseman and heraldry, Chased copper with decoration of 'champlevé' enamel, 22.3 x 3.8 cm, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 004575-000 .. _fig5.10: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/1250-75-france-gemellion-with-coronation-scene-DP123786-01.jpg :align: center :scale: 20% 1260-75, France, Gemellion (hand basin) with spout, a Coronation Scene, Copper, wrought, gilt and Champlevé enamel, 25.7 x 4.8 cm, Metropolitan museum of art, 47.101.41 .. _fig5.11: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/12-13c-egypt-Perfume_Sprinkler_with_Design_of_Marvered_White-Trail_Feather_Pattern_AH_late_5th-7th_century_AD_12th-13th_century_Saint_Louis_Art_Museum_Saint_Louis_United_States_of_America.jpg :align: center :scale: 80% 12-13c Egypt, glass perfume sprinkler with design of marvered white-trail feather pattern, Height: 16.2cm, Width: 9.8cm, Depth: 4.1cm, Saint Louis Art Museum 250:1923, U.S.A. .. _fig5.12: .. figure:: prilohy/04-hygiene/archeo/13c-syria-qumqum-christies-2011_CKS_07959_0104_000-a_mamluk_manganese_glass_sprinkler_probably_syria_13th_century064242.jpg :align: center :scale: 80% 13c Syria, a mamluk manganese glass sprinkler (qumqum), 16.6cm high, Christies id 5421925,