Sources ------- .. [CSMT] Alfonso X: Cantigas de Santa Maria, T codex Cantigas de Santa María, de Alfonso X el Sabio, con la reproducción íntegra, a todo color, del códice "rico" T.I.1 de la biblioteca de El Escorial (Madrid) .. [CSME] Alfonso X: Cantigas de Santa Maria, E codex Cantigas de Santa Maria. Biblioteca de El Escorial MS B.I.2 .. [CSMF] Alfonso X: Cantigas de Santa Maria, codex Florencia Banco Rari 20. .. [LADT] Alfonso X: Libro de los juegos Libros del Axedrez, Dados et Tablas, de Alfonso X, el Sabio. Edición facsímil del ms. T.I.6 de la biblioteca de El Escorial (Madrid) .. [SP] Alfonso X: Libro de los leyes Las Siete Partidas del Rey Don Alfonso X El Sabio, edición de 1807. Tomo I, II y III (edición en PDF). .. [LAMG] Alfonso X: Libro de astromagia, Vatican Library MSS .. [LPDR] Alfonso X: Lapidario de Alfonso X el Sabio. Edición facsímil del Primer Lapidario contenido en los primeros 94 folios del ms. h.I.15 de la Biblioteca de El Escorial (Madrid) .. [GLHG] Golden Haggadah .. [RLHG] Rylands Haggadah .. [MQAH] Les Maqâmât d'Aboû Moammad al-Qâsim ibn Alî al-arîrî. 1201-1300, available from Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. Arabe 3929 .. [BAWR] Bayaad wa Rijad Literature ---------- .. .. [GMP] MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, Gonzalo. La Espaňa del siglo XIII: leída en imágenes. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1987. ISBN 978-8460048619, pg. 131-2 .. [HMW] .. [EST] .. [CSL] Caiger-Smith, Alan, Lustre Pottery: Technique, Tradition and Innovation in Islam and the Western World (Faber and Faber, 1985) ISBN 0-571-13507-2, pp. 84-86; quote from p. 86 .. [JDM] Jones, Dalu & Michell, George, (eds); The Arts of Islam, Arts Council of Great Britain, 1976, ISBN 0-7287-0081-6, p. 271, no. 423 .. [HDT0] Rippin, Knappert: Textual Sources for the Study of Islam, University of Chicago Press, Oct 15, 1990, ISBN 978-0226720630, pg. 72-73 .. [HDT1] Hadithic texts against gold and silver vessels; also the Qur’an specifies that “in this life, those who drink from silver and golden vessels will, however, feel the fire (q.v.) of hell (q.v.) in their stomachs (Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ, vi, 135)”; however, the Qur’an states that golden platters in paradise contain "whatever the souls desire" (Q 43:71). Gold, Schönig, Hannelore, 2002, GALE EBOOKS .. [WKMI] .. [CDAH] Cuadernos de la Alhambra: braseros del Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico de Córdoba, Volumen 7-11, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Dirección General del Patrimonio Artístico y Cultural, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife., 1971, page 34. .. [JTAI] James, Peter; Thorpe, Nick; Thorpe, I. J. (1995). Ancient inventions. Ballantine Books. p. 305. ISBN 978-0-345-40102-1. .. [WAMF] Wright, Clifford A. (1999). A Mediterranean Feast: The Story of the Birth of the Celebrated Cuisines of the Mediterranean from the Merchants of Venice to the Barbary Corsairs, with More than 500 Recipes. William Morrow Cookbooks. p. 82. ISBN 978-0-688-15305-2. .. [AMFB] Amandine Meunier, "Fourchette et bonnes manières", Books n° 86, novembre / décembre 2017, .. [ORTEGA] Ortega, Ortega: Operis Terre Turolii: La Ceramica Bajomedieval en Teruel, Marzo: Museo de Teruel (January 1, 2002), ISBN-13 : 978-8487183614 .. [ARHR] Johannes de Kemeseye: A Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Swinfield, Bishop of Hereford, During Part of the Years 1289 and 1290, London, 1855, page LII .. [METMF] .. [LDFF] Fioravanti: La Diabolica Forchetta, .. [HBSE] Álvarez: How two Byzantine princesses scandalized Europe by using a fork, .. [ELUM] Elum, Pedro López (2001/2002). Los utensilios de cocina y mesa en la baja edad media. Saitabi 51-52, pp105-112. .. [GRRL] Guillermo Roselló, Exposición de Alfarería en la Alcazaba de Málaga. - Cerámica San Telmo. .. [CASE] Casey, Wilson (2009). Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things that Changed the World, ISBN 978-1-59257-924-2. .. [HREM] Wilkinson, Louise (2020). The Household Roll of Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of Leicester and Pembroke, 1265, British Library, Additional MS 8877. ISBN 978-0-901134-77-6. page lvii. .. [GUAL] Gual, Miguel. .. [CMDC] Thibaut i Comalada, Eliana (2006): Cuina medieval catalana, Cossetània Edicions. ISBN 8497912160. pp49-90 .. [VRDN] Verdon, Jean (1980, 2003): Les Loisirs au Moyen Age, CZ translation Volný čas ve středověku. Vyšehrad. ISBN 80-7021-543-7 .. [SOAP] .. [GRZN] Garzena, Patrizia & Tadiello, Marina (2004). Soap Naturally: ingredients, methods, and recipes for natural handmade soap; 1st ed. Programmer Publishing. ISBN 0-9756764-0-7. .. [BRMS] Bramson, Ann Sela (1975) Soap, Making it, Enjoying it Workman Publishing Company, pp 57-59 .. Sources: Arte cisoria, ó Tratado del arte de cortar del cuchillo (Enrique de Villena) : Origins of the Common Fork (Chad Ward en Leite’s Culinaria) : El tenedor: un cortesano en la mesa (Juan Cruz Cruz en Regusto) : The Empress Theophano: Byzantium and the West at the turn of the first millennium (Adelbert Davids) : History of the fork (Suzanne Von Drachenfels en Food Reference) : Wikipedia: .. další zdroje ke studiu: An import from Malaga through Sandwich, Kent in England for the Spanish-born Queen Eleanor of Castile was recorded in 1289, consisting of "42 bowls, 10 dishes, and 4 earthenware jars of foreign colour (extranei coloris)".[7] Malagan ware was also exported to the Islamic world, and has been found at Fustat (medieval Cairo) and elsewhere.[8] Jan van Eyck paintings (1390-1440) Lüsterfarbe Robert Irwin: Islamische Kunst. DuMont, Köln 1998, ISBN 3-7701-4484-8, S. 178. Brigitte Klesse: Majolika, (Kataloge des Kunstgewerbemuseums Köln) Köln 1966, S. 8–26. Tjark Hausmann: Majolika. Spanische und italienische Keramik vom 14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin 1972. Rainer G. Richter: Götter, Helden und Grotesken – Das Goldene Zeitalter der Majolika. Ausst. Kat. der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kunstgewerbemuseum Schloss Pillnitz, Hirmer Verlag, München 2006, ISBN 3-7774-3195-8. [7] Caiger-Smith, 1985, pp. 84-86; quote from p. 86 Caiger-Smith, Alan, Lustre Pottery: Technique, Tradition and Innovation in Islam and the Western World (Faber and Faber, 1985) ISBN 0-571-13507-2 Eleanor was better educated than most medieval queens and exerted a strong cultural influence on the nation. She was a keen patron of literature, and encouraged the use of tapestries, carpets and tableware in the Spanish style, as well as innovative garden designs. She was also a successful businesswoman, endowed with her own fortune as Countess of Ponthieu. In the domestic sphere she popularised the use of tapestries and carpets – the use of hangings and especially floor coverings was noted as a Spanish extravagance on her arrival in London, but by the time of her death was plainly much in vogue amongst richer magnates, with certain of her hangings having to be reclaimed from Anthony Bek, the bishop of Durham. She also promoted the use of fine tableware, elegantly decorated knives, and even forks (though it remains uncertain whether the latter were used as personal eating utensils or as serving pieces from the common bowls or platters). She also had considerable influence on the development of garden design in the royal estates. Extensive spending on gardens is evidenced at her properties and in most places she stayed, including the use of water features – a common Castilian garden design feature, which was owed to Islamic and Roman influences in Spain. The picturesque Gloriette at Leeds Castle was developed during her ownership of the castle. Eleanor of Castile production: Douce Apocalypse Trinity Apocalypse De Re Militari by Vegetius translated for Edward After she succeeded her mother as countess of Ponthieu in 1279, a romance was written for her about the life of a supposed 9th century count of Ponthieu commissioned an Arthurian romance with a Northumbrian theme, possibly for the marriage of the Northumbrian lord John de Vescy, who married a close friend and relation of hers In the 1280s, Archbishop Peckham wrote a theological work for her to explain what angels were and what they did. Alphonso Psalter, now in the British Library, Bird Psalter which also bears the arms of Alphonso and his prospective wife. In January 1286 she thanked the abbot of Cerne for lending her a book—possibly a treatise on chess known to have been written at Cerne in the late thirteenth century—and her accounts reveal her in 1290 corresponding with an Oxford master about one of her books. There is also evidence suggesting that she exchanged books with her brother Alfonso X. Popularised the use of tapestries and carpets. The use of hangings and especially floor coverings was noted as a Spanish extravagance on her arrival in London, but by the time of her death was plainly much in vogue amongst richer magnates, with certain of her hangings having to be reclaimed from Anthony Bek, the bishop of Durham. She also promoted the use of fine tableware, elegantly decorated knives, and even forks (though it remains uncertain whether the latter were used as personal eating utensils or as serving pieces from the common bowls or platters). She also had considerable influence on the development of garden design in the royal estates. Extensive spending on gardens is evidenced at her properties and in most places she stayed, including the use of water features – a common Castilian garden design feature, which was owed to Islamic and Roman influences in Spain. The picturesque Gloriette at Leeds Castle was developed during her ownership of the castle. Parsons, John Carmi. Eleanor of Castile: Queen and Society in Thirteenth Century England, 1995. Powicke, Frederick Maurice (1991). The Thirteenth Century, 1216–1307. Oxford University Press. Ortega Ortega: "Operis Terre Turolii" Ceres portal for archeo sources .. #.. figure:: prilohy/01-food/ladt/ # :align: center # :scale: 50% # # [LADT]_ # #.. figure:: prilohy/01-food/lamg/ # :align: center # :scale: 50% # # [LAMG]_ .. tabule, chleb, tycinky, 1330 .. Makkamat al-Hariri: s 82 lahve, sklenice, misky, talire s nozickou, 2 amfory, 2 hrnky tazza, oud, darbouka, albogon s 136 poharove lampy s 171 vahy s 180 talir a miska s jidlem s 182 dzban s hubici a uchem s 223 poharova lampa, kozeny mech s 253 flabellum hranate, talir s nozickou, 3 poharky s 259 polykandelon, poharove lampy, s 301 poharove lampy s 311 hostina, stul na nozicce, chleba, nuz, pohary, maso, jehne, ubrus/uterka s 327 flabellum kulate, s 344 hostina, talire, vazy, jidlo, sklenice, lahev, ubrousek, oud, albogon, s 370 astrolab s 371 hostina, svicny, talire s nozickou, flabellum hranate, talirek, dzbanek, s 386 poharove lampy .. # vim: ts=80:wrap:lbr