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cs:articles:lov [2023/07/31 12:22]
Vít Hrachový vytvořeno
cs:articles:lov [2023/10/18 11:44] (aktuální)
Vít Hrachový
Řádek 32: Řádek 32:
 Ke Štaufově knize se mi povedlo dohledat moderní latinskou edici z r. 1942, se kterou zvládnou pracovat moderní digitální překladače. [10] Ke Štaufově knize se mi povedlo dohledat moderní latinskou edici z r. 1942, se kterou zvládnou pracovat moderní digitální překladače. [10]
 Pak se mi povedlo zjistit, že Aragonský král nechal také sepsat pojednání o lovu ve svych zákonících. [11] Pak se mi povedlo zjistit, že Aragonský král nechal také sepsat pojednání o lovu ve svych zákonících. [11]
-Kastilské Siete partidas (1265) zmiňují lov v rámci výchovy královských synů. [12] +Kastilské Siete partidas (1265) 2-7-10 zmiňují lov v rámci výchovy královských synů. [12] 
 Také že církevní preláti by neměli lovit pro zábavu. [13] Také že církevní preláti by neměli lovit pro zábavu. [13]
 Pak jsem zabředl do wikipedie, která toto téma mohutně dokumentuje [14]. Pak jsem zabředl do wikipedie, která toto téma mohutně dokumentuje [14].
Řádek 68: Řádek 68:
 V iluminacích knih z Alfonsových dílen je vidět velký posun po roce 1265. Právě když Hohenštaufové na Sicílii padli. V iluminacích knih z Alfonsových dílen je vidět velký posun po roce 1265. Právě když Hohenštaufové na Sicílii padli.
-Třeba iluminace v Libro de astromagia jsou ještě relativně schematické. +Třeba iluminace v "Libro de astromagiajsou ještě relativně schematické. 
-I překlad indických bajek. +I překlad indických bajek "Calila e Dimna" z roku 1251
-Lapidario vypadá jako přelomové dílo. +"Lapidariovypadá jako přelomové dílo. 
-Siete Partidas vydané v r. 1265 už mají ten správný punc a vzhled. +"Siete Partidasvydané v r. 1265 už mají ten správný punc a vzhled. 
-Cantigas k 1270-84 sedí stoprocentně a posouvají se v realističnosti dále.+"Cantigas de Santa Maria" k 1270-84 sedí stoprocentně a posouvají se v realističnosti dále.
-Ulovil jsem si Hernándezovu knihu "Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio y Sancho IV (1276-1286)"  +Ulovil jsem si Hernándezovu knihu "Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio y Sancho IV (1276-1286)" [20] 
-a Mendolův překlad Jamsilla Chronicle o posledních letech vlády Fridricha, Konráda a Manfréda na Sicílii [XXXXX] a začínám si zapisovat jména dvořanů.+a Mendolův překlad Jamsilla Chronicle o posledních letech vlády Fridricha, Konráda a Manfréda na Sicílii [21] a začínám si zapisovat jména dvořanů.
 Pokračování příště... Pokračování příště...
-<code> +  - Hezky je popisuje Richard Feynman ve své knize "To nemyslíte vážně, pane Feymanne".  
-1. Hezky je popisuje Richard Feynman ve své kníze "To nemyslíte vážně, pane Feymanne".  +  Martin Hanus 
-2. Martin Hanus +  https://www.medievalists.net/2020/04/medieval-manuscripts-the-book-of-the-hunt-by-gaston-febus/ 
-3. https://www.medievalists.net/2020/04/medieval-manuscripts-the-book-of-the-hunt-by-gaston-febus/ +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livre_de_chasse 
-4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livre_de_chasse +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_of_Game 
-5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_of_Game +  https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43452/43452-h/43452-h.htm 
-6. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/43452/43452-h/43452-h.htm +  https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Pal.lat.1071 
-7. https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Pal.lat.1071 +  https://knyghterrant.com/index.php/recommendations/books/medieval-hunting-books/ 
-8. https://knyghterrant.com/index.php/recommendations/books/medieval-hunting-books/ +  https://www.medievalists.net/2020/06/hunting-middle-ages-articles/ 
-9. https://www.medievalists.net/2020/06/hunting-middle-ages-articles/ +  - https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb05/germanistik/absprache/sprachverwendung/gloning/at/de-arte-venandi-cum-avibus-1.pdf \\ https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb05/germanistik/absprache/sprachverwendung/gloning/at/de-arte-venandi-cum-avibus-2.pdf 
- +  María Luz Rodrigo-Estevan: "Hunting and Hunters in Medieval Aragonese Legislation" [2006], https://www.academia.edu/2976198/Hunting_and_Hunters_in_Medieval_Aragonese_Legislation 
-10.  +  - Když děti rostouje rozumné dávat dětem větší oblečení, a také obsah výuky by měl byt přiměřený věku, do kterého vstupují. Proto prohlašujemeže jsou ještě další věcikteré by se měli královští synové učitkromě věcí uvedených v předchozím zákoněkterý pojednává o tomže by král a královna měli své syny učit, když jsou ještě chlapciJe to čtení a psaníprotože tikdo umí číst a psátse snáze dozvědíco chtějí vědět zvládnou lépe udržet svá tajemstvíMěli by je také poučitže nemají toužit po věcechkteré nemohou nebo nemají mítZvyknou-li si toužit po takových věcech a nemají jevěnují všechny své myšlenky a pozornost předmětu touhya tím si zhoršují intelekt a zanedbávají jiné věcikteré by měli dělatMěli by je naučit toužit po tomco je dobré a vhodné a měli by jim to poskytovat s mírou a tehdykdyž je to vhodnéMěli by je přivykat veselostia nezacházet do extrémů, a chránit je před smutkemdle libostiprotože to je něcoco narušuje růst chlapců a jejich zdravíPotéco synové dosáhnou mladistvého věkuměli by je dát na starost někomukdo je může učit a ukázat jimjak se mají naučit poznávat lidi, co jsou zač jakého jsou původu, a jak jemají přijímat a mluvit s nimikaždého podle jeho postaveníMěli by jim také ukázatjak jezdit na koni a lovit a hrát všechny druhy hera seznámit je s každým druhem zbraníjak se sluší na královské synyA jak jsme již uvedlineměli by je nabádataby užívali věcíkteré vyžaduje sama přírodajako je jíst pít nebo mít ženyale spíše by je od toho měli odrazovataby se nechovali nevhodně nebo si tím neublížiliJe-li královským synům věnována tato péče a výchovabudou dobří a zdvořilí a nebudou se k ostatním chovat nevhodně a jejich vychovatelékteří je měli na starostsplní svou povinnostNebudou-li se o ně takto staratdostane se vychovatelům újmy od rodičůa, až tomu porozumíi od dětíTaké na sebe strhnou nesouhlas ostatních lidíkteří budou úporně vychovatele pronásledovat kvůli újměkterou jim jejich žáci způsobili špatnými návykykteré se od nich naučili
-- https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb05/germanistik/absprache/sprachverwendung/gloning/at/de-arte-venandi-cum-avibus-1.pdf +  Ecclesiastics should not be hunters or pursuers of game, no matter what order they belong to, nor should they keep hawks, falcons, or dogs to hunt with. For it is highly improper to waste upon things of this kind what they are bound to bestow upon the poor. They are, however, authorized to fish and hunt by means of nets, and to lay snares; for hunting ·Iike this is not forbidden them, because they can do it without birds, or dogs, and without noise. Nevertheless, they should practice it in such a way that neither their prayers nor the service which they are required to conduct and repeat may be interfered with.  Moreover, they ought not to chase game, or fight with wild beasts, or risk themselves with them for the sake of any reward which may be given them, for anyone who does this will be of evil report. Where, however, wild beasts cause injury to men, or growing grain, or vineyards, or flocks, ecclesiastics can pursue them under such circumstances, and kill them if they encounter them. The Holy Church also ordained that when an ecclesiastic made a practice of hunting in any of the ways aforesaid, which he was forbidden to do, and, after his prelate had warned him not to do so, still persisted in it; if he were a priest who said mass, he must forbid him to conduct the service for the space of two months; and if he were a deacon or subdeacon, he should be deprived of his office, or his benefice, until his prelate granted him a dispensation. 
-https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb05/germanistik/absprache/sprachverwendung/gloning/at/de-arte-venandi-cum-avibus-2.pdf +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_hunting 
- +  - https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libro_de_la_monter%C3%ADa \\ https://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/es/consulta/registro.cmd?id=16478 \\ https://rbdigital.realbiblioteca.es/s/realbiblioteca/item/11448#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-1073%2C0%2C3644%2C2050 
-11. María Luz Rodrigo-Estevan: "Hunting and Hunters in Medieval Aragonese Legislation" [2006], +  https://archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_art-falconry_casey-wood_SK321F87-18001 
-    https://www.academia.edu/2976198/Hunting_and_Hunters_in_Medieval_Aragonese_Legislation +  http://cantigas.cz 
-12. Just as it is reasonable to increase the size of the clothing of children when they are growing up, so they should be +  https://dbe.rah.es/biografias/58608/alvaro-de-oviedo 
-   compelled to learn things suitable to the age upon which they are entering. And, for this reason, we declare that, in +  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_of_Lauria 
-   addition to those matters stated in the preceding law which the king and queen should teach their sons when they are boys, +  - Francisco J. HERNÁNDEZ, Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio a Sancho IV (1276-1286). Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca, 2021, 1482 p. ISBN : 978-8413115627 
-   there are still others which they should cause them to learn.  These are to read and writefor this is of great benefit to +  - Mendola, Louis (2016). Frederick, Conrad and Manfred of Hohenstaufen, Kings of Sicily: the chronicle of Nicholas of Jamsilla 1210–1258. New York: Trinacria. ISBN 9781943639069. OCLC 949866013.
-   those who understand itin order to learn more easily what they desire to know, and to be the better able to keep their +
-   secrets. They should also instruct them that they should not covet those things which they cannot, or should not, have: +
-   because when they establish practice of coveting themand do not possess themthey devote all their thoughts and attention +
-   to that which they desireand for this reason impair their intellectand neglect other things which they should dobut +
-   they should teach them to desire what is good and suitable: and they should also give them these in moderationand when it is +
-   proper. They should accustom them to be merry without going to extremesand protect them from sadness, as much as they call, +
-   for this is something which interferes with the growth of boys, and with their healthAnd after they have attained the age +
-   of young men, they should place them in charge of some one who may teach them, and show them how to learn to know men, +
-   what they areand from what origin they are derivedand how they should receive them and talk with themeach one +
-   according to his station. They should also show them how to ride, and hunt, and play all kinds of games, and be +
-   familiar with every description of arms, as is fitting for the sons of kingAndas we have already statedthey +
-   should not solicit them to make use of those things which Nature herself requires, as to eat or drink, or have women, +
-   but they should rather dissuade them from doing so, that they may not act in an unbecoming manner, or be injured +
-   therebyAnd when the sons of kings are cared for and educated in this way, they themselves will be good and +
-   polite, and will not treat others in an improper manner; and their tutors will have complied with what they were +
-   bound to do while in charge of them. And, if they do not care for them in this manner in addition to the injury +
-   which they will receive from their parents as well as from themselves when they understand it, they will incur the +
-   disapproval of other menwho will endeavor to pursue themon account of the injury inflicted by their pupils through +
-   the evil habits which they learned from them. +
- +
-13. Ecclesiastics should not be hunters or pursuers of gameno matter what order they belong to, nor should they keep hawks, +
-   falcons, or dogs to hunt withFor it is highly improper to waste upon things of this kind what they are bound to bestow +
-   upon the poor. They are, however, authorized to fish and hunt by means of netsand to lay snares; for hunting ·Iike this is +
-   not forbidden them, because they can do it without birdsor dogs, and without noise. Nevertheless, they should practice it +
-   in such way that neither their prayers nor the service which they are required to conduct and repeat may be interfered with. +
-   Moreoverthey ought not to chase gameor fight with wild beasts, or risk themselves with them for the sake of any reward +
-   which may be given them, for anyone who does this will be of evil report. Where, however, wild beasts cause injury to men, +
-   or growing grain, or vineyards, or flocks, ecclesiastics can pursue them under such circumstances, and kill them if they +
-   encounter themThe Holy Church also ordained that when an ecclesiastic made a practice of hunting in any of the ways +
-   aforesaidwhich he was forbidden to doandafter his prelate had warned him not to do so, still persisted in it; if he were +
-   priest who said masshe must forbid him to conduct the service for the space of two months; and if he were deacon or +
-   subdeaconhe should be deprived of his office, or his benefice, until his prelate granted him dispensation. +
-   Just as it is reasonable to increase the size of the clothing of children when they are growing upso they should be +
-   compelled to learn things suitable to the age upon which they are enteringAndfor this reasonwe declare thatin +
-   addition to those matters stated in the preceding law which the king and queen should teach their sons when they are boys, +
-   there are still others which they should cause them to learn These are to read and writefor this is of great benefit to +
-   those who understand itin order to learn more easily what they desire to knowand to be the better able to keep their +
-   secrets. They should also instruct them that they should not covet those things which they cannotor should not, have: +
-   because when they establish practice of coveting themand do not possess themthey devote all their thoughts and attention +
-   to that which they desire, and for this reason impair their intellect, and neglect other things which they should do, but +
-   they should teach them to desire what is good and suitable: and they should also give them these in moderation, and when it is +
-   properThey should accustom them to be merry without going to extremesand protect them from sadnessas much as they call, +
-   for this is something which interferes with the growth of boys, and with their healthAnd after they have attained the age +
-   of young menthey should place them in charge of some one who may teach themand show them how to learn to know men, +
-   what they are, and from what origin they are derived, and how they should receive them and talk with them, each one +
-   according to his station. They should also show them how to ride, and hunt, and play all kinds of games, and be +
-   familiar with every description of arms, as is fitting for the sons of king. Andas we have already stated, they +
-   should not solicit them to make use of those things which Nature herself requires, as to eat or drink, or have women, +
-   but they should rather dissuade them from doing so, that they may not act in an unbecoming manner, or be injured +
-   therebyAnd when the sons of kings are cared for and educated in this waythey themselves will be good and +
-   politeand will not treat others in an improper manner; and their tutors will have complied with what they were +
-   bound to do while in charge of them. Andif they do not care for them in this manner in addition to the injury +
-   which they will receive from their parents as well as from themselves when they understand it, they will incur the +
-   disapproval of other men, who will endeavor to pursue them, on account of the injury inflicted by their pupils through +
-   the evil habits which they learned from them+
- +
-   Ecclesiastics should not be hunters or pursuers of game, no matter what order they belong to, nor should they keep hawks, +
-   falcons, or dogs to hunt with. For it is highly improper to waste upon things of this kind what they are bound to bestow +
-   upon the poor. They are, however, authorized to fish and hunt by means of nets, and to lay snares; for hunting ·Iike this is +
-   not forbidden them, because they can do it without birds, or dogs, and without noise. Nevertheless, they should practice it +
-   in such a way that neither their prayers nor the service which they are required to conduct and repeat may be interfered with. +
-   Moreover, they ought not to chase game, or fight with wild beasts, or risk themselves with them for the sake of any reward +
-   which may be given them, for anyone who does this will be of evil report. Where, however, wild beasts cause injury to men, +
-   or growing grain, or vineyards, or flocks, ecclesiastics can pursue them under such circumstances, and kill them if they +
-   encounter them. The Holy Church also ordained that when an ecclesiastic made a practice of hunting in any of the ways +
-   aforesaid, which he was forbidden to do, and, after his prelate had warned him not to do so, still persisted in it; if he were +
-   a priest who said mass, he must forbid him to conduct the service for the space of two months; and if he were a deacon or +
-   subdeacon, he should be deprived of his office, or his benefice, until his prelate granted him a dispensation. +
- +
-14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_hunting +
-15.  +
-- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libro_de_la_monter%C3%ADa +
-https://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/es/consulta/registro.cmd?id=16478 +
-https://rbdigital.realbiblioteca.es/s/realbiblioteca/item/11448#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-1073%2C0%2C3644%2C2050 +
-16. https://archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_art-falconry_casey-wood_SK321F87-18001 +
-17. http://cantigas.cz +
-18. https://dbe.rah.es/biografias/58608/alvaro-de-oviedo +
-19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_of_Lauria +
 +  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calila_e_Dimna
 +  -