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cs:articles:lov [2023/07/31 12:25] Vít Hrachový |
cs:articles:lov [2023/10/18 11:44] (aktuální) Vít Hrachový |
Řádek 32: | Řádek 32: | ||
Ke Štaufově knize se mi povedlo dohledat moderní latinskou edici z r. 1942, se kterou zvládnou pracovat moderní digitální překladače. [10] | Ke Štaufově knize se mi povedlo dohledat moderní latinskou edici z r. 1942, se kterou zvládnou pracovat moderní digitální překladače. [10] | ||
Pak se mi povedlo zjistit, že Aragonský král nechal také sepsat pojednání o lovu ve svych zákonících. [11] | Pak se mi povedlo zjistit, že Aragonský král nechal také sepsat pojednání o lovu ve svych zákonících. [11] | ||
- | Kastilské Siete partidas (1265) zmiňují lov v rámci výchovy královských synů. [12] | + | Kastilské Siete partidas (1265) |
Také že církevní preláti by neměli lovit pro zábavu. [13] | Také že církevní preláti by neměli lovit pro zábavu. [13] | ||
Pak jsem zabředl do wikipedie, která toto téma mohutně dokumentuje [14]. | Pak jsem zabředl do wikipedie, která toto téma mohutně dokumentuje [14]. | ||
Řádek 68: | Řádek 68: | ||
V iluminacích knih z Alfonsových dílen je vidět velký posun po roce 1265. Právě když Hohenštaufové na Sicílii padli. | V iluminacích knih z Alfonsových dílen je vidět velký posun po roce 1265. Právě když Hohenštaufové na Sicílii padli. | ||
- | Třeba iluminace v Libro de astromagia jsou ještě relativně schematické. | + | Třeba iluminace v "Libro de astromagia" |
- | I překlad indických bajek. | + | I překlad indických bajek " |
- | Lapidario vypadá jako přelomové dílo. | + | "Lapidario" |
- | Siete Partidas vydané v r. 1265 už mají ten správný punc a vzhled. | + | "Siete Partidas" |
- | Cantigas k 1270-84 sedí stoprocentně a posouvají se v realističnosti dále. | + | "Cantigas |
- | Ulovil jsem si Hernándezovu knihu "Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio y Sancho IV (1276-1286)" | + | Ulovil jsem si Hernándezovu knihu "Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio y Sancho IV (1276-1286)" |
- | a Mendolův překlad Jamsilla Chronicle o posledních letech vlády Fridricha, Konráda a Manfréda na Sicílii [XXXXX] a začínám si zapisovat jména dvořanů. | + | a Mendolův překlad Jamsilla Chronicle o posledních letech vlády Fridricha, Konráda a Manfréda na Sicílii [21] a začínám si zapisovat jména dvořanů. |
Pokračování příště... | Pokračování příště... | ||
- | < | + | - Hezky je popisuje Richard Feynman ve své knize "To nemyslíte vážně, pane Feymanne" |
- | 1. Hezky je popisuje Richard Feynman ve své kníze | + | |
- | 2. Martin Hanus | + | |
- | 3. https:// | + | |
- | 4. https:// | + | |
- | 5. https:// | + | |
- | 6. https:// | + | |
- | 7. https:// | + | |
- | 8. https:// | + | |
- | 9. https:// | + | - https:// |
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- | 10. | + | |
- | - https:// | + | |
- | - https:// | + | |
- | + | - https:// | |
- | 11. María Luz Rodrigo-Estevan: | + | |
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- | + | | |
- | </ | + | |
- | + | - Francisco J. HERNÁNDEZ, Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio a Sancho IV (1276-1286). Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca, 2021, 1482 p. ISBN : 978-8413115627 | |
- | 12. Just as it is reasonable to increase the size of the clothing of children when they are growing up, so they should be | + | - Mendola, Louis (2016). Frederick, Conrad and Manfred of Hohenstaufen, |
- | | + | |
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- | there are still others which they should cause them to learn. | + | |
- | those who understand it, in order to learn more easily what they desire to know, and to be the better able to keep their | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | to that which they desire, and for this reason impair their intellect, and neglect other things which they should do, but | + | |
- | they should teach them to desire what is good and suitable: and they should also give them these in moderation, and when it is | + | |
- | | + | |
- | for this is something which interferes with the growth of boys, and with their health. And after they have attained the age | + | |
- | of young men, they should place them in charge of some one who may teach them, and show them how to learn to know men, | + | |
- | what they are, and from what origin they are derived, and how they should receive them and talk with them, each one | + | |
- | | + | |
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- | but they should rather dissuade them from doing so, that they may not act in an unbecoming manner, or be injured | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | bound to do while in charge of them. And, if they do not care for them in this manner in addition to the injury | + | |
- | which they will receive from their parents as well as from themselves when they understand | + | |
- | | + | |
- | the evil habits which they learned from them. | + | |
- | + | ||
- | 13. Ecclesiastics should not be hunters or pursuers of game, no matter what order they belong | + | |
- | | + | |
- | upon the poor. They are, however, authorized to fish and hunt by means of nets, and to lay snares; for hunting ·Iike this is | + | |
- | not forbidden them, because they can do it without birds, or dogs, and without noise. Nevertheless, | + | |
- | in such a way that neither their prayers nor the service which they are required to conduct and repeat may be interfered with. | + | |
- | | + | |
- | which may be given them, for anyone who does this will be of evil report. Where, however, wild beasts cause injury | + | |
- | or growing grain, or vineyards, or flocks, ecclesiastics can pursue them under such circumstances, | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | a priest who said mass, he must forbid him to conduct the service for the space of two months; and if he were a deacon or | + | |
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- | Just as it is reasonable to increase the size of the clothing of children when they are growing up, so they should be | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | there are still others which they should cause them to learn. These are to read and write, for this is of great benefit to | + | |
- | those who understand it, in order to learn more easily what they desire to know, and to be the better able to keep their | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | to that which they desire, and for this reason impair their intellect, and neglect other things which they should do, but | + | |
- | they should teach them to desire what is good and suitable: and they should also give them these in moderation, and when it is | + | |
- | | + | |
- | for this is something which interferes with the growth of boys, and with their health. And after they have attained the age | + | |
- | of young men, they should place them in charge of some one who may teach them, and show them how to learn to know men, | + | |
- | what they are, and from what origin they are derived, and how they should receive them and talk with them, each one | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
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- | but they should rather dissuade them from doing so, that they may not act in an unbecoming manner, or be injured | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | bound to do while in charge of them. And, if they do not care for them in this manner in addition to the injury | + | |
- | which they will receive from their parents as well as from themselves when they understand it, they will incur the | + | |
- | | + | |
- | the evil habits which they learned from them. | + | |
- | + | ||
- | Ecclesiastics should not be hunters or pursuers of game, no matter what order they belong to, nor should they keep hawks, | + | |
- | falcons, or dogs to hunt with. For it is highly improper to waste upon things of this kind what they are bound to bestow | + | |
- | upon the poor. They are, however, authorized to fish and hunt by means of nets, and to lay snares; for hunting ·Iike this is | + | |
- | not forbidden them, because they can do it without birds, or dogs, and without noise. Nevertheless, | + | |
- | in such a way that neither their prayers nor the service which they are required to conduct and repeat may be interfered with. | + | |
- | Moreover, they ought not to chase game, or fight with wild beasts, or risk themselves with them for the sake of any reward | + | |
- | which may be given them, for anyone who does this will be of evil report. Where, however, wild beasts cause injury to men, | + | |
- | or growing grain, or vineyards, or flocks, ecclesiastics can pursue them under such circumstances, | + | |
- | encounter them. The Holy Church also ordained that when an ecclesiastic made a practice of hunting in any of the ways | + | |
- | aforesaid, which he was forbidden to do, and, after his prelate had warned him not to do so, still persisted in it; if he were | + | |
- | a priest who said mass, he must forbid him to conduct the service for the space of two months; and if he were a deacon or | + | |
- | subdeacon, he should be deprived of his office, or his benefice, until his prelate granted him a dispensation. | + | |
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- | 14. https:// | + | |
- | 15. | + | |
- | - https:// | + | |
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- | 16. https:// | + | |
- | 17. http:// | + | |
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