Kastílie 1312


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en:articles:dining-and-tableware [2021/04/10 09:24]
Vít Hrachový
en:articles:dining-and-tableware [2021/04/10 09:25] (current)
Vít Hrachový
Line 64: Line 64:
 === Serving === === Serving ===
-Low social class 
-  Wood 
-  Ceramics 
-Middle social class - townsfolk +  * Low social class 
-  Wood +    * Wood 
-  Ceramics +    * Ceramics 
-  Metal +  * Middle social class - townsfolk 
- +    Wood 
-High social class - nobility and royalty +    Ceramics 
-  Wood +    Metal 
-  Metal +  High social class - nobility and royalty 
-  Glass +    Wood 
-  Ceramics +    Metal 
-  Lustreware +    Glass 
-  Stoneware+    Ceramics 
 +    Lustreware 
 +    Stoneware
   * Table and feast depictions in CSM, LJ, LAM?   * Table and feast depictions in CSM, LJ, LAM?