Kastílie 1312


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en:articles:poblet-effigies [2020/03/17 18:27]
Vít Hrachový created
en:articles:poblet-effigies [2020/03/28 22:06] (current)
Vít Hrachový
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 ===== Poblet - meeting with don Berenguer de Puigvert, don Ramon Folch ===== ===== Poblet - meeting with don Berenguer de Puigvert, don Ramon Folch =====
-This January we've made a study trip to Catalonia to visit monastery of Poblet and make more extensive documentation of unique extant 13th and 14th century aragonese warrior effigies present here. We're preparing articles about depicted nobles.+During January 2020 we've made a study trip to Catalonia to visit monastery of Poblet and make more extensive documentation of unique extant 13th and 14th century aragonese warrior effigies present here. We're preparing articles about depicted nobles.
 Effigy images taken with kind permission of father Octavi Vilà, Abbot of Poblet. Effigy images taken with kind permission of father Octavi Vilà, Abbot of Poblet.