Kastílie 1312


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en:articles:skolstvi [2020/03/29 14:35]
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en:articles:skolstvi [2020/03/29 14:43] (current)
Vít Hrachový
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ===== Education in medieval Castile ===== ===== Education in medieval Castile =====
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 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-004-sml.jpg}} Cantigas de Santa Maria 004, special, church school for children. Both Christian and Jewish children do attend. {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-004-sml.jpg}} Cantigas de Santa Maria 004, special, church school for children. Both Christian and Jewish children do attend.
 To establish a school, the king recommends choosing a city with clean air and a lovely environment. Teachers are paid yearly salary. Amount of salary depends on the depth of master's knowledge and on the subject being taught. The salary is paid in three installments - at the start of studies, at Easter and on the feast of St. John the Baptist. In the case of a long-term illness, the master receives the rest of the salary till the end of the school year. In the event of master's death, the remainder of the annual salary is paid to his heirs. To establish a school, the king recommends choosing a city with clean air and a lovely environment. Teachers are paid yearly salary. Amount of salary depends on the depth of master's knowledge and on the subject being taught. The salary is paid in three installments - at the start of studies, at Easter and on the feast of St. John the Baptist. In the case of a long-term illness, the master receives the rest of the salary till the end of the school year. In the event of master's death, the remainder of the annual salary is paid to his heirs.
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 Cantigas de Santa Maria by Alfonso X., 1284, depicts students at lecture in general school and children attending the lecture at special school. Cantigas provide us additional information that not only Christian but also Jewish students attended the school. Cantigas depict the monastery reading rooms many times as well. In Libro de los Juegos we find illuminations of the royal scriptorium. Cantigas de Santa Maria by Alfonso X., 1284, depicts students at lecture in general school and children attending the lecture at special school. Cantigas provide us additional information that not only Christian but also Jewish students attended the school. Cantigas depict the monastery reading rooms many times as well. In Libro de los Juegos we find illuminations of the royal scriptorium.
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:jewish-scribes.jpg}} Libro de los Juegos, royal scriptorium {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:jewish-scribes.jpg}} Libro de los Juegos, royal scriptorium
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 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-138-1.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-138-1.jpg}}
-Cantigas de Santa Maria 138, left st. John Goldmouth in his study room.+Cantigas de Santa Maria 138, left st. John Chrysostom in his study room.
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-007-3.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-007-3.jpg}}
-Cantigas de Santa Maria 7. Učenci a umělci často nosívali na hlavě baret, "capiello un forma de boina"Zde biskup s doprovodem.+Cantigas de Santa Maria 7. Savants and artists frequently worn biret called "capiello un forma de boina"Here bishop with his suite.
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-119-1-crop.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:cantigas_de_santa_maria-119-1-crop.jpg}}
-Cantigas de Santa Maria 119. Poživačný soudce v nákladném obleku se při bohaté krmi nechává ovívat vějířem z pavího peříKlobouk "capiello caballero" naz +Cantigas de Santa Maria 119. The judge in a costly suit enjoys rich feast, while being fanned by peacock feather flabellumHe wears noble's hat called "capiello caballero", declaring he belongs to the peerage.
-načuje příslušnost ke šlechtickému stavu.+
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:00511501-attorney-with-client-before-judge-83.mq.165-fol.24.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:00511501-attorney-with-client-before-judge-83.mq.165-fol.24.jpg}}
-Vidal Mayor, království Aragónské, 1290-1310. Soudce naslouchá právníkovi s klientem.+Vidal Mayor, Kingdom of Aragón, 1290-1310. The judge hears lawyer with his client.
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:00511001-king-archbishops-attorneys-83.mq.165-fol.01.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:00511001-king-archbishops-attorneys-83.mq.165-fol.01.jpg}}
-Vidal Mayorkrálovství Aragónské, 1290-1310.  Na iluminaci král Jaime I. v roce 1252 dostává od biskupaprávníka a svého rádce Vidala de Canellas prvnímanuskript aragónských fueros, ze kterého později vznikl zákoník Vidal Mayor. Ve spodní scéně dvůr s královskou rodinou, bohatými urozenci magnáty. +In 1252king Jaime I receives the first manuscript of the Aragonese Fueros (laws)from the bishop, lawyer and his mentor Vidal de Canellas.  This manuscript later became the law code Vidal Mayor. In the lower scene we can see a court with royal family, rich noblemen and magnates.
 {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:treatises_on_natural_science_philosophy_and_mathematics-mensuration-1300-oxford-17.5x12.5cm-vellum.jpg}} {{wiki:articles:skolstvi:treatises_on_natural_science_philosophy_and_mathematics-mensuration-1300-oxford-17.5x12.5cm-vellum.jpg}}
-Studentský manuskript k výuce geometrie, Oxford, Angliecca 1300 n.l. Inkoust a pigment na pergamenu 17,5 x 12,5 cm.+Student manuscript for teaching geometry, Oxford, Englandcirca 1300 ADInk and pigment on parchment 17.5 x 12.5 cm.