Kastílie 1312
ambassador don Iňigo Díaz de Haro
Alonso Ponce de León, companion, medic, savant
Jaime de Compostella, professional soldier
Mateo de Uclés, professional soldier
Istifaan al-Ajpād ibn Alī ibn Abī Zara, prisoner of war, companion, merchant, astrologer
doña Elvira Estevez de Lara, noble widow
Constanza Garciaz Manrique de Lara, noble lady
Dagmar, lady's maid
Eve, maidservant
Beatris Yañes, lady's wardrobe maidservant
García, servant
Ferbi, servant
Constanza, maidservant
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Cantigas de Santa Maria sheetmusic
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Table of Contents
Cantigas de Santa Maria sheetmusic
Codex Buranus, 1230
Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, 14th century
London MSS, Italian dances of the Trecento, British Museum Add 2998 (1340-1400)
Guillame de Machaut (1300-1377)
Walther von der Vogelweide (1170-1230)
Other sheetmusic
Musical instruments depicted in Cantigas de Santa Maria (1284)
Cantigas de Santa Maria sheetmusic
Cantiga 001
Cantiga 010
Cantiga 015
Cantiga 036
Cantiga 041
Cantiga 047
Cantiga 095
Cantiga 100
Cantiga 113
(25.7.2022) (2.9.2022 fixes)
Cantiga 115
Cantiga 116
Cantiga 166
Cantiga 173
Cantiga 173 for recorder
Cantiga 189
Cantiga 189 for recorder
Cantiga 195
Cantiga 200
Cantiga 206
Cantiga 235
(12.8.2022 - reduced to 2 page version)
Cantiga 242
Cantiga 244
Cantiga 248
Cantiga 256
Cantiga 299
Cantiga 302
Cantiga 341
Cantiga 353
Cantiga 354
Cantiga 424
Cantiga 425
Recordings for inspiration
YouTube playlist selection
Cantigas de Santa Maria English singable transcriptions
Codex Buranus, 1230
CB179: Tempus est iocundum (Totus floreo)
CB196: In taberna quando sumus
Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, 14th century
Cuncti Simus
Imperaytritz de la ciutat joyosa
Los set goyts
Mariam matrem
Polorum regina
Stella splendens
Recordings for inspiration
YouTube playlist selection
London MSS, Italian dances of the Trecento, British Museum Add 2998 (1340-1400)
Saltarello 2
Lamento di Tristano e La Rotta
Recordings for inspiration
Saltarello, arrangement by Dead Can Dance
Lamento di Tristan e La Rotta, arrangement by Michal Hromek
Guillame de Machaut (1300-1377)
Douce dame jolie
Je vivroie liement
Quant je sui mis au retour
Walther von der Vogelweide (1170-1230)
Calenda Maja
Under der linden
Other sheetmusic
My mother told me, Egill Skallagrimsson 904-995
Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz, anonym 1146
A l’entrada del temps clar, anonymous 1180-1199
Ai Vist Lo Lop, anonymous, 13th century
Ar Ch'akouz, Brittanny Bretagne traditional
Tri martolod, Brittanny Bretagne traditional, 18. c.
God rest you, merry gentlemen
Warwick university Medieval crusade songs pack 1145-1250
Mirie it is while sumer ilast, early 13th century
Laudario Cortona 02: Laude novella sia cantata, late 13th century
Stabat mater, 1280-1306, simplified
mensural notation 13.c. Bologna MS 518
Paure Satan, anonymous occitan Christmas carol, 1580-1610
Spanish ladies, British sea shanty 1624-1796
Vitslav III of Rujana, En loibere risen (1300)
Wellerman, New Zealand whaling song, 1829-1880
Recordings for inspiration
YouTube playlist selection
Musical instruments depicted in Cantigas de Santa Maria (1284)
Index of medieval musical instruments