Literatura ke studiu středověké Kastilie (a kastilsko-českých vztahů)

Sehnat/To find::

George Dimitri Sawa: Ahmad b. Yusuf al-Tifashi al Qafsi "The Ears' Pleasure and the Science of Listening to Music" (1184-1253)
Wickham: The Donkey and the Boat
Kyle C. Lincoln "A Constellation of Authority: Castilian Bishops and the Secular Church During the Reign of Alfonso VIII"
Journal of medieval Iberian studies volume 1-14
Abigail Krasner Balbale "The Wolf King: Ibn Mardanish and the Constuction of Power in al-Andalus"
Gerard Brault "The Rolls of Arms of Edward I (1272-1307)"
Gerard Brault 'Early Blazon' (OUP 1972)       
Llave, Rider: Technical Knowledge in Europe, 1200-1500 AD
Agustín Altisent: Diplomatari de Santa Maria de Poblet: 960-1177

Sarah Ifft Decker, The Fruit of Her Hands: Jewish and Christian Women’s Work in Medieval Catalan Cities (Penn State University Press, September 2022) 1250-1350

    In the thriving urban economies of late thirteenth-century Catalonia,
    Jewish and Christian women labored to support their families and their
    communities. The Fruit of Her Hands examines how gender, socioeconomic
    status, and religious identity shaped how these women lived and worked.
    Sarah Ifft Decker draws on thousands of notarial contracts as well as legal
    codes, urban ordinances, and Hebrew responsa literature to explore the
    lived experiences of Jewish and Christian women in the cities of Barcelona,
    Girona, and Vic between 1250 and 1350. Relying on an expanded definition of
    women’s work that includes the management of household resources as well as
    wage labor and artisanal production, this study highlights the crucial
    contributions women made both to their families and to urban economies.
    Christian women, Ifft Decker finds, were deeply embedded in urban economic
    life in ways that challenge traditional dichotomies between women in
    northern and Mediterranean Europe. And while Jewish women typically played
    a less active role than their Christian counterparts, Ifft Decker shows
    how, in moments of communal change and crisis, they could and did assume
    prominent roles in urban economies.  Through its attention to the distinct
    experiences of Jewish and Christian women, The Fruit of Her Hands advances
    our understanding of Jewish acculturation in the Iberian Peninsula and the
    shared experiences of women of different faiths. It will be welcomed by
    specialists in gender studies and religious studies as well as students and
    scholars of medieval Iberia.

Clara Pascual-Argente, Memory, Media, and Empire in the Castilian Romances of Antiquity: Alexander’s Heirs (Brill Publishing, August 2022)

1350-1375 Spain, BL Or 1404 - Haggadah for Passover
Alfonso X: Cantigas Profanas (ed. Juan Paredes Nuñez)
Víctor Lluís Pérez Garcia, The Catalan Kamasutra and other medieval sex manuals (Edicions Excalibur, June 2022)
    The customs, practices and knowledge of medieval sex unveiled. A
    comprehensible introduction to the topic with all the existing texts of the
    time translated into English.  This book presents three texts written by
    different authors who lived in Europe during the Middle Ages: "The book of
    intercourse" by Constantine the African (11th century, Salerno), the
    anonymous "The minor book of intercourse" (12th century, Salerno) and the
    "Manual to copulate" (14th–15th centuries, Catalonia), also of unknown
    authorship. Besides the modern English translations, this book provides
    their historical and cultural context, paying attention to their
    influences, and also a didactical synthesis on the topic: a concise
    introduction to the conception of sex in that time.
Zenith: Cantigas, Princeton University Press; 2022,
Francisco Hernandez: Los hombres del rey y la transición de Alfonso X el Sabio a Sancho IV (1276-1286)
Canso de la Crozada; Guillaume le Tudela, 1213

José Manuel Cerda Costabal, Leonor de Inglaterra. La reina Plantagenet de Castilla (1161-1214) (Ediciones Trea, January 2022)
Mellén: Tierra de damas. Las mujeres que construyeron el románico en el País Vasco
    Land of ladies: The women who built Romanesque art in the Basque Country

Nawal Nasrallah: "Best of Delectable Foods and Dishes from al-Andalus and al-Maghrib: A Cookbook by Thirteenth-Century Andalusi Scholar Ibn Razin al-Tujibi (1227-1293)"
Gastão de Melo de Matos: "Considerações tácticas sobre a batalha de Aljubarrota"; Editora:  Academia Portuguesa de Historia; Data : 1962;
"Alfonso X, the Learned: A Biography" by H. Salvador Martínez
"Arte y producción textil en el Mediterráneo medieval" by Laura Rodríguez Peinado y Francisco de Asís García García
"Framing Power in Visigothic Society" by Eleonora Dell' Elicine, Céline Martin (eds):
Brill: The Sword and the Cross: Castile-León in the Era of Fernando III, 
    ed. by Edward L. Holt and Teresa Witcombe. With articles by Carlos de Ayala Martínez, Kyle Lincoln, Janna Bianchini, Miriam Shadis et al.
Amparo García Cuadrado: "Las Cantigas: el códice de Florencia"
Brooks: The woman who defied kings: The Life and Times of Doa Gracia Nasi—a Jewish Leader During the Renaissance (1510-1569)
Dawson Timothy: 'Armour Never Wearies': Scale and Lamellar Armour in the West, from the the Bronze Age to the 19th Century

coat of plates 1250s    

Margaret Bent "Magister Jacobus de Ispania, Author of the Speculum musicae"
Fourteenth-Century Instruments and Tunings: A Treatise by Jean Vaillant

Powicke, Frederick Maurice (1991). The Thirteenth Century, 1216–1307. Oxford University Press.

Inform Nieves when they arrive.

Ženka Josef:Granadské elity v 15. století

Jstor: "This Drum I Play: Women and Square Frame Drums in Portugal and Spain" Judith R. Cohen
Nikolaos Vryzidis: The hidden life of textiles in  the medieval and early modern mediterranean
Reynolds: The Musical Heritage of Al-Andalus
Stepanek: Cechy a Spanelsko ve stredoveku Dejiny a umeni

Dr. Thomas Barton "Victory’s Shadow: Conquest and Governance in Medieval Catalonia" (Cornell Univ. Press)

Dalsi podklady k hygiene a zenske krase:
    Anna Fundárková: Barokový aristokrat
    Duchonova Diana: Palatín Mikuláš Esterházy
    Jany Ratajova: Rodinné paměti Alžběty Lidmily z Lisova
    Lengyelová Thunde: Život na šlachtickom dvore
    Ľudmila Dufková: Osobní hygiena na šlechtických sídlech

Theresa Earenfight "Queenship and Political Power in Medieval and Early Modern Spain":

1300-1325 Spain, Codex Calixtinus, based on the Salamanca copy, Ms. S.
    haggadah for passover, castile, 1300
kostele sv. Mikuláše v Nepomyšli na Lounsku fresky 1350+:
    Roberta Milliken: A Cultural History of Hair in the Middle Ages 

Simon Barton: Conquerors, brides and concubines - Interfaith relations and social power in Medieval Iberia
    Fresneda González, Nieves: Moda y belleza femenina en la Corona de Castilla durante los siglos XIII y XIV

Francisco Prado-Vilar, Kessler, Nirenberg: Judaism and Christian art (Lapidary, CSM)
    In 1276, while traveling with his court in Northern Spain, King Alfonso X of. Castile and León fell gravely ill in the city of Vitoria. For the past few years, he.     he was still a prince, the translation of the Lapidary, a book describing the magic.
Ucty krale Sancha IV

Read list: 
    Sempere-Guarinos-Historia-del-luxo-y-de-las-leyes-suntuarias-de-espanatomo-i--0-1788-Madrid.pdf  (s79)
        zpracovat nahrobky 
            s375 sarcofago de los senores de salcedo, museo de vilena, burgos, procedente del monasterio de Santa Maria de Villarcayo
            s383 - Museo Diocesano y Catedralicio de Valladolid, Capilla de San Llorente 
                BIBLIOGRAFfA: PONZ, 1947 [ed facs. de 1783]. 988, QUADRA-00, 1885: 199-200, O RTEGA RUBIO, 1979 [cd. facs. de 1895]: 2 17-22 1, ÁLVAREZ DE LA BRAÑA, 1904: 294, ANTÓN, 1942. 230-232, ARA GIL, 1977 36-38, MARTf GONZÁLEZ y URREA, 1985:  19
            s384 - 1300 caballero - 
                Ca. 1300 Piedra calcárea, con  restos de color. 90 x 236 x 65 c m. Museo Diocesano y Catedralicio  de Vallado lid , Capilla de San Llorente. BIBLIOCRAFfA: PONZ, 1947 [ed. facs. de 1783]: 9881 QUADRADO, 1885: 199-2001 ORTEGA RUB10,1979[ed.facs.dc 1895]:217-2211 ÁL VAREZ DE LA BRAÑA, 1904: 294, ANTÓN, 1942: 230-2321 ARA C IL, 1977: 38-391 MARTfN CONZÁLEZ y URREA, 1985: 19.

María Isabel Alvaro Zamora: "Cerámica Aragonesa I."  Libros Aragón.
María Isabel Alvaro Zamora: "Cerámica Aragonesa II." Libros Aragón.
Galiay Sarañana, José: "Cerámica aragonesa de reflejo metálico"          -- Malaga first, after 1492 moved to Manises
    loza dorada 
    reflejos metálicos
    reflejo dorado
    ópera Malika
    cerámica andalusí de reflejo dorado

    Museo Internazionale della Ceramica – Faenza:
        The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza houses the largest
        artistic pottery collection in the world: more than 3,500 works from
        all over the world.It also owns the largest collection in Italy of
        Muslim and Hispano Moresque pottery, beautiful pieces made in the 9th
        to 16th centuries that allow the visitor to experience the evolution of
        the Islamic pottery over time.
    Sección Nazarí del renovado Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN)
        En el mundo cristiano esta fama no era en absoluto menor, todo lo
        contrario. Sabemos que en 1289 arribó al puerto inglés de Sandwich un
        barco con cerámica malagueña destinada a la reina Leonor de Castilla,
        casada con el rey Eduardo I de Inglaterra. Así tenemos el testimonio de
        un empleado del puerto de la llegada de 42 cuencos (ataifores y
        jofainas), 10 platos y 4 jarras de barro de “color extranjero "
        (extranei coloris). A uno de estos encargos debe corresponder la
        presencia del famoso Ataifor de la Nave del Victoria & Albert Museum de
        Londres así como otros fragmentos de loza dorada malacitana presente
        tanto en los fondos de este museo como en la propia Torre de Londres.

        Restos de loza dorada malagueña han sido encontrados en lugares como
        Fustat (cerca de El Cairo), Pisa (fruto del comercio genovés tan
        presente en nuestra ciudad en época nazarí), Génova, Francia, Alemania,
        Norte de África, etc.

        42 bowls (ataifores and basins), 10 plates and 4 earthenware jars of
        "foreign color" (extranei coloris). One of these orders must correspond
        to the presence of the famous Ataifor of the Nave of the Victoria &
        Albert Museum in London as well as other fragments of gilded Malacitan
        earthenware present both in the collections of this museum and in the
        Tower of London itself. 

        Remains of gilded Malaga earthenware have been found in places like
        Fustat (near Cairo), Pisa (fruit of the Genoese trade so present in our
        city in Nasrid times), Genoa, France, Germany, North Africa, etc.
        Jarro (un asa y con un pico vertedor), jarra o jarrita (dos asas), redoma
        (vasija para escanciar líquidos, con asa), taza, cazuela, cantimplora, candil,
        cangilón o alcaduz (arcaduz), orza (más pequeño que la tinaja, para conservar
        alimentos),  jofaina (palangana), ataifor (plato hondo, representativo de la
        vajilla andalusí).
        La técnica del reflejo metálico aplicado a la cerámica, la loza dorada,
        tiene su origen en Bagdad entre los siglos VII y IX, desde donde pasó a
        al-Andalus y se practicó desde época taifa (siglo XI) hasta el período
        nazarí (siglos XIII-XV) en ciudades como Sevilla, Málaga, Almería o

     ceramica mudejar
     ceramica nazari
    La cerámica en Granada. Por Carlos Cano Piedra y José Luis Garzón Cardenete. Editado por la DIPUTACIÓN PROVINCIAL DE GRANADA

Morgan M.429 Huelgas Apocalypse Toledo 1225
Martín de Riquer - Heràldica catalana des de l'any 1150 al 1550
Martin de Riquer: L'arnès del Cavaller - sehnat!
    According to Martín de Riquer (L´Arnés del cavaller), 
    since the time of James II of Aragon, the gauntlets of plates covered with
    "cendal" (silk or linen very thin and transparent) are common. Maybe that's

Pierre Guichard:
    Esplendor y fragilidad de al-Andalus
    Al-Andalus frente a la conquista cristiana
    Al-Andalus Estructura antropologica de una sociedad islamica en occidente 30E

    Rafael Azuar Ruiz (MARQ, Alicante)
        Redescubriendo la metalistería de al-Andalus

    Los bronces en al-Ándalus: entre el palacio y la mezquita
        Susana Calvo Capilla y Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza (UCM, Madrid)

    Testimonios metálicos de actividades artesanales en el Gharb al-Andalus
        Susana Gómez Martínez (Universidade de Évora / CAM / CEAACP)

    Las manufacturas metálicas en el periodo califal: entre lo suntuario y la producción masiva
        Antonio Vallejo Triano (Director Conjunto Arqueológico Madinat al-Zahra-Junta de Andalucía)
Kaufmann: Maurové a Evropa
Hugh Kennedy's "Muslim Spain and Portugal"
To Live Like a Moor by Olivia Remie Constable            
    focuses on the cultural markers that people at the time thought of as distinguishing Moors from Christians.
Golden Age of the Moor by Ivan van Sertima 
    is less of a history book and more a collection of essays on "Moors" in a very broad sense
A Vanished World: Medieval Spain’s Golden Age of Enlightenment by Chris Lowney

"De Re Militari" by Vegetius, England, c. 1270, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum Library, Cambridge, MS Marlay Add. 1, folio 86r.
GUGLIERI NAVARRO, Araceli: Catálogo de Sellos de la Sección de Sigilografía del Archivo Histórico Nacional. 3 tomos. Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas. Archivo Histórico Nacional. Madrid, 1974.

See puigvert sello @

Getty ms ludwig xiv 6 feudal customs of aragon, 1290-1310
    Escultura funeraria del siglo XIII: los sepulcros de los López de Haro
    Ruiz Maldonado, Margarita

La Vida Cotidiana de los judíos de Alandalús (siglos x-xii): Antología de manuscritos de la Guenizá de El Cairo (University of Cambridge), 
    by José Martínez Delgado and Amir Ashur (UCOPress Universidad de Cordoba: 2021) will be available soon at the publisher's website.

Lovillo: Las Cantigas Estudio Arqueologico de sus miniaturas    (1949)

    Autor: Melo Carrasco, Diego*/detalle_libro/e-book-720-e-las-relaciones-fronterizas-entre-granada-y-castilla

Novinky/News Literatura/Literature