10. Figures¶
11. Index of sources and literature¶

Fig. 11.1 [CSMT] 57, chickel morsel in mouth and basket

Fig. 11.2 [CSMT] 67-6, meat in bowl, bread, breadsticks

Fig. 11.3 [CSMT] 88-2, chicken in a bowl, bread, breadsticks

Fig. 11.4 [CSMT] 88-4, bread, legumen in a bowl

Fig. 11.5 [CSMT] 95a, fish, bread, breadsticks

Fig. 11.6 [CSMT] 132, chicken, bread, breadsticks

Fig. 11.7 [CSMT] 145, alms bread given from basket

Fig. 11.8 [CSMT] 147, woman giving bread to shepherd

Fig. 11.9 [LADT] folio 8r, bowl with eggs

Fig. 11.10 [LADT] folio 12v, bowl with pears

Fig. 11.11 [LADT] folio 22r, bowl with apples

Fig. 11.12 [LAMG] folio 1v, radish

Fig. 11.13 [LAMG] folio 5v, wheat

Fig. 11.14 [LAMG] folio 7v, bread and breadsticks

Fig. 11.15 [LAMG] 12r, wheat field

Fig. 11.16 [GLHG] f4v, lamb or hare in bowl, eggs in bowl, hunter with hare

Fig. 11.17 [RLHG] f19b, bread, breadsticks.

Fig. 11.18 [MQAH] page 082 wine, rice balls, flasks, glasses, bowls, footed trays, 2 amphoras, 2 tazza mugs, oud, darbouka, albogon

Fig. 11.19 [MQAH] page 180 plate and bowl with food

Fig. 11.20 [MQAH] page 253 meat, lamb?, flabellum rectangular, footed tray, 3 goblets

Fig. 11.21 [MQAH] page 311 bread, meat, lamb, feast, table on foot, knife, goblets, tablecloth or towel

Fig. 11.22 [MQAH] page 344 wine, rice balls, feast, plates, vase, meal, glasses, flask, towel, oud, albogon

Fig. 11.23 [MQAH] page 371 feast, meat, food, candlestick, footed plate, flabellum rectangular, small plate, jug

Fig. 11.24 [CSMT] 186, granary

Fig. 11.25 [CSMT] 38-1, large wineskin

Fig. 11.26 [CSMT] 38-2, large wineskin

Fig. 11.27 [CSMT] 72-1, large wineskin

Fig. 11.28 [CSMT] 72-2, large wineskin

Fig. 11.29 [CSMT] 72-3, large wineskin

Fig. 11.30 [CSMT] 93-1, large wineskin

Fig. 11.31 [CSMT] 140-6, large wineskin

Fig. 11.32 [LAMG] folio 2v-3, wineskin

Fig. 11.33 [LAMG] folio 10v-4, wineskin

Fig. 11.34 [CSMT] 6-4, large wine cask

Fig. 11.35 [CSMT] 6-5, large wine cask

Fig. 11.36 [CSMT] 23-4, large wine cask

Fig. 11.37 [CSMT] 23-6, large wine cask

Fig. 11.38 [CSMT] 47-1, large wine cask

Fig. 11.39 [ORTEGA] page 293, presumed winegar vessel found in Teruel ceramic workshop

Fig. 11.40 [LAMG] folio 31r, brazier

Fig. 11.41 [LAMG] folio 31r, brazier

Fig. 11.42 Brazier of Sultan al-Malik al-Muzaffar Shams al-Din Yusuf ibn ‘Umar, 1250-1290, Egypt. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, inventory number 91.1.540. Dimensions: H: 35.2cm, W: 39.4cm; Max. D: 41.6cm

Fig. 11.43 [RLHG] folio 19b, spit roast, fireplace, roasting lamb with herbs

Fig. 11.44 [CSMT] Cantiga 157-2, frying doughnuts on pan with large handle, tripod, knife, cauldron , handle, suspension chain, hook, travelling water/wine skins

Fig. 11.45 [CSMT] Cantiga 58, riveted cauldron, bellows.

Fig. 11.46 [CSMT] Cantiga 68, cauldron with handle, suspension chain, hook

Fig. 11.47 [CSMT] Cantiga 159-3, cauldrons, cooking portions from beef ribs

Fig. 11.48 [GLHG] folio 15r, cauldron, apron, butcher hook, knife, cooking lamb for Passover table

Fig. 11.49 [CSMT] Cantiga 95a, cauldron with handle, suspension chain, tripod

Fig. 11.50 [CSMT] Cantiga 111, riveted cauldron with handles, suspension chain, tripod, bellows

Fig. 11.51 [LAMG] Libro de astromagia, folio 4v, whetstone and knife

Fig. 11.52 [CSMT] Cantiga 157-1, pilgrims’ wineskins, frying doughnuts on pan with large handle, tripod, “trinchante” trinchador fork, knife, cauldron, handle, suspension chain, hook

Fig. 11.53 Brazier, Catalan, 14th century, Museu Episcopal de Vic, Barcelona, https://www.museuepiscopalvic.com/ca/colleccions/forja/braser-mev-4465

Fig. 11.54 [CSMT] Cantiga 118-2, brazier used to heat wax for creating wax figurine

Fig. 11.55 Bodleian bowl of copper alloy, held in Ashmolean Museum, is a sample of cauldron of jewish origin from 1257, Paris, France, Accession Number: AN2009.10

Fig. 11.56 Bronze cauldron of southern France or Netherlands origins is held at Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Accession Number: 49.69.6

Fig. 11.57 Brass bucket from Granada, Alhambra, dates to 14th century.

Fig. 11.58 [LADT] folio 31r, apothecary, mortar and pestle

Fig. 11.59 Andalusian bronze mortar from Monzón de Campos, Palencia, is dated to 12th century. Museo Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Fig. 11.60 Andalusian bronze mortar from Monzón de Campos, Palencia, is dated to 12th century. Museo Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Fig. 11.61 [ORTEGA] page 261, ceramic mortar from the second quarter of 14th century findings from Teruel. 16cm diameter, 12.5cm height.

Fig. 11.62 [CSMT] cantiga 159-6, meat hook

Fig. 11.63 Ceramic mortar from 11-15th century found during excavations in Málaga, source: http://legadonazari.blogspot.com/2014/01/ceramica-nazari.html?m=1

Fig. 11.65 Forks, 8th–9th centuries. Molded bronze with stamped decoration. Found in Susa (now in Iran). Musée du Louvre, Department of Islamic Art (MAO 421, MAO 422, MAO 431)

Fig. 11.66 Silver fork with Animal Hoof Finial (Ornament), Byzantium, Syria?, early Byzantine period, 4th century, Silver, Overall: 14.5 cm, Weight: 22.5g https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1952.7

Fig. 11.67 [CSMT] cantiga 67-1, spoon

Fig. 11.68 [CSMT] cantiga 81-6, spoon

Fig. 11.69 [CSMT] cantiga 166-1, spoon

Fig. 11.70 [CSMT] cantiga 188-2, spoon

Fig. 11.71 Silver spoon, France, Rouen, 1350. V&A Museum Accession Number 110-1865

Fig. 11.72 [CSMT] cantiga 4-3

Fig. 11.73 [CSMT] cantiga 23-3-4

Fig. 11.74 [CSMT] cantiga 42-4

Fig. 11.75 [CSMT] cantiga 45a-4

Fig. 11.76 [CSMT] cantiga 52-3

Fig. 11.77 [CSMT] cantiga 67-5-6

Fig. 11.78 [CSMT] cantiga 85b-2

Fig. 11.79 [CSMT] cantiga 132-5

Fig. 11.80 [CSMT] cantiga 157-5

Fig. 11.81 [CSMT] cantiga 159-1

Fig. 11.82 [CSMT] cantiga 161-3

Fig. 11.83 [LDFF] Rabanus Maurus “De Universo”, Biblioteca dell’Abbazia, Montecassino

Fig. 11.84 Knife handle, cast and engraved bronze, Spain, Cordoba; 10th century, H:1.7; B: 1; L: 9.3 cm, David Museum Inv. no. 11/2001, http://www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/materials/metal/art/11-2001

Fig. 11.85 Knife handle, cast and engraved bronze, Spain, Cordoba; 10th century, H:1.7; B: 1; L: 9.3 cm, David Museum Inv. no. 11/2001, http://www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/materials/metal/art/11-2001

Fig. 11.86 Knife, French or Spanish, ca. 1300–1350, Steel blade, crystal handle, copper-gilt mountings 26 x 4.4 x 2.5 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Arts Accession Number: 17.190.343, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/464323

Fig. 11.87 Knife, French or Spanish, ca. 1300–1350, Steel blade, crystal handle, copper-gilt mountings 26 x 4.4 x 2.5 cm, Metropolitan Museum of Arts Accession Number: 17.190.343, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/464323

Fig. 11.88 Statistics of materials for dining utensils according to [ELUM] .

Fig. 11.89 Typological classification of Spanish medieval pottery according to Guillermo Roselló Ramonell, Exposición de Alfarería en la Alcazaba de Málaga. - Cerámica San Telmo.

Fig. 11.90 Ceiling of Teruel cathedral, 1275-1300, tabicas 0305, towel and perfume bottle.

Fig. 11.91 [CSMF], page 119, cantiga 312, patterned towel worn around servants’ neck.

Fig. 11.92 Towel depicted in 1220-1230, France, ÖNB Han.Cod.2554 Bible Moralisée,

Fig. 11.93 1355 Florence, BNCF Banco rari 45, fol.76, towel around neck.

Fig. 11.94 [CSMF], page 140, cantiga 245-1, checked pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.95 [CSMF], page 130, cantiga 318-6, checked pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.96 [CSMF], page 250, cantiga 269-5, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.97 [CSMT] cantiga 004-3, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.98 [CSMT] cantiga 23-3, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.99 [CSMT] cantiga 45a-4, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.100 [CSMT] cantiga 52-3, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.101 [CSMT] cantiga 67-5-6, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.102 [CSMT] cantiga 84-3, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.103 [CSMT] cantiga 85b-2, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.104 [CSMT] cantiga 88-1-3, plain table cloth.

Fig. 11.105 [CSMT] cantiga 42-4, dotted pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.106 [CSMT] cantiga 95a-4, checked pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.107 [CSMT] cantiga 132-5, checked pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.108 [CSMT] cantiga 175a-1, checked pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.109 [CSMT] cantiga 119-1, diamond pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.110 [CSMT] cantiga 159-3, diamond pattern table cloth.

Fig. 11.111 [CSMT] cantiga 180-1, apothecary serving desk cover.

Fig. 11.112 Brass tray stand, engraved and inlaid with silver. Egypt or Syria; 1st half of 14th century. H: 24.4cm; Diam: 23.2 cm. Metropolitan Museum of art. Accession Number: 91.1.601 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/444601

Fig. 11.113 Late 13th–early 14th century brass tray, Egypt; engraved and inlaid with silver and black compound. H:3.8 cm; Diam 76.8 cm. Metropolitan Museum of art. Accession Number: 91.1.604 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/444604

Fig. 11.119 Gilded and enamelled glass perfume sprinkler, 1295–6, probably Syria. Museum no. C.153-1936, Victoria & Albert Museum

Fig. 11.120 [LADT] folio 15r, flabellum

Fig. 11.121 [LADT] folio 96v, flabellum

Fig. 11.122 1325-1350, Spain, Teruel, aquamanile 20x18x13cm, Museo Provincial de Teruel No. inv 8365. Published in Ortega Ortega: Opera terre Turroli

Fig. 11.124 14c Iran, brass basin, Metropolitan Museum https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/444523

Fig. 11.125 14c Iran, brass basin, Metropolitan Museum https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/444523

Fig. 11.127 End of 13th century, unknown provence, Basin with horseman and heraldry, Chased copper with decoration of ‘champlevé’ enamel, 22.3 x 3.8 cm, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 004575-000

Fig. 11.128 1260-75, France, Gemellion (hand basin) with spout, a Coronation Scene, Copper, wrought, gilt and Champlevé enamel, 25.7 x 4.8 cm, Metropolitan museum of art, 47.101.41