Kastílie 1312


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en:garcia [2021/07/02 07:52]
Vít Hrachový
en:garcia [2021/07/04 15:48] (current)
Vít Hrachový
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 García was born into a blacksmith family in Burgos, one of the most important cities of Castile, in the year 1289, in the fourth year of the reign of King Sancho IV. García was born into a blacksmith family in Burgos, one of the most important cities of Castile, in the year 1289, in the fourth year of the reign of King Sancho IV.
-After training as a blacksmith, he learned to build and repair crossbows and began to accompany the city's garrison as a respectedrepairer of arms and armour.+After training as a blacksmith, he learned to build and repair crossbows and began to accompany the city's garrison as a respected repairer of arms and armour.
 After some time, he moved to the border town of Jaén, where he put his knowledge of the two crafts to good use as siege engines builder, which was done in times of peace and war. In his spare time at home he enjoyed playing the harp. After some time, he moved to the border town of Jaén, where he put his knowledge of the two crafts to good use as siege engines builder, which was done in times of peace and war. In his spare time at home he enjoyed playing the harp.